Alan Levin is a partner in the New York and Hartford offices of Troutman Pepper Locke. He has served on the Executive Committee since 2012 and previously served as its Vice Chair. He served as Managing Partner of the legacy Firm of Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP from 2014-2015, and was the Firm Chairman from 2012-2014. Alan Levin advises sectors of the insurance and reinsurance industry, including domestic, foreign and overseas insurers and reinsurers. His clients consist of insurers (property and casualty/life and health), reinsurers, producers, buyers of insurance and reinsurance, reinsurance intermediaries, third party administrators, life settlement companies, private equity funds, hedge funds, captives insurance programs, including debt and private equity investments in financial services providers, insurance companies and alternative risk transfer (ART), adverse development cover (ADC), lenders, investment banks, state insurance regulators, debtors and creditors of insolvent insurers and trade associations. • Both insurers and reinsurers have depended on Alan in regulatory matters, in the areas of formation and licensing, mergers and acquisitions in the fields of life and health, and property and casualty, rehabilitation and liquidation matters and mutual holding company conversions • Represented clients in commutations, has structured off-shore reinsurance transactions and analyzed reinsurance portfolios in the reinsurance industry • Represented insurance companies as investors, lenders and as investment bankers, and in public offerings and private placements • Involved in the representation of clients in corporate governance matters, including meetings of shareholders and directors • Represents clients in the sale and acquisition of insurance producers and in connection with regulatory matters ranging from licensing to attorney general and insurance department investigations • Represented mutual insurers in mutual affiliation transactions • Challenged by the maze of state legislative and regulatory developments, Alan has taken clients involved in administrative hearings before state insurance departments • Life settlement companies regularly seek Alan's advice on regulatory, strategic and structuring issues • Structured and implemented clients' plans designed to create new services and products in the health care industry • Counsel to overseas insurers with activities in the U.S. or in other countries, he has worked on numerous corporate transactions involving the raising of corporate capital to be deployed at Lloyd's of London Professional Affiliations and Awards • Member, Connecticut Bar Association • Member, International Bar Association • Member, Federation of Regulatory Counsel Inc • Member, American Bar Association Publications & Presentations Moderator; Reactions North America Re/Insurance Conference, New York: Empowering Mutuals: New Tools to Accelerate Business; September 26, 2019 Article on Favorable Independent Contractor Misclassification Ruling for Insurance Companies; Outside Publication; Insurance Coverage Law Report; Summer 2019 Insurance Agent for Northwestern Mutual Found to be Independent Contractor, Not Employee; Co-Author; Insurance & Reinsurance Blog; May 9, 2019 Panelist, Hartford InsurTech Hub Workshop: Take It or Leave It: Live Term Sheet Negotiation from Both Sides of the Table; March 28, 2019 CEO Panel Discussion; Moderator; Reactions North America Re/Insurance Conference, New York; September 27, 2018 Practices Insurance International Insurance: Regulatory & Transactional Public Law, Governmental & Public Affairs Health Care International Insurance/Reinsurance: Transactional & Regulatory Reinsurance Insurance Industry Groups Insurance Education J.D., Brooklyn Law School, 1985 B.A., Clark University, 1982 Bar Admissions Connecticut, 1986 District of Columbia, 2012 New York, 2014