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Matthew D. Coble, Esq.
Matthew D. Coble, Esq.
(717) 232-5000
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Matthew D. Coble, Esq.
3401 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 UNITED STATES
(717) 232-5000
(717) 236-1816
Regulatory Cnsl Mbr
Business Transactions, Litigation, Regulatory

Matt has an insurance practice that, while focused in Pennsylvania, is increasingly national in scope.  His work in this area encompasses regulatory, transactional, and administrative matters, and touches on all aspects of insurance regulation, including obtaining regulatory approvals for acquisitions of companies and blocks of business, expansions, holding company transactions and filings, licensing, product and policy development, reinsurance, examinations and investigations, and general corporate matters.  

Matt has the privilege of serving as general outside counsel to several insurers and other entities engaged in the business of insurance, and is one of three Pennsylvania members selected for membership in the Federation of Regulatory Counsel, a multi-national association of lawyers who have significant experience in the practice of insurance regulatory and corporate law, and currently serves as an At-Large member of its Board of Directors.

In addition to his insurance practice, Matt has appeared on behalf of clients in administrative matters before the Department of Labor & Industry, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Banking, the Department of State, the Department of Revenue, the Environmental Hearing Board, and the Public Utility Commission.  Matt’s practice also includes assisting clients with respect to business matters generally, including corporate formation, acquisitions and contracts, as well as assisting clients in connection with litigation matters of various types.

Representative Matters

•	Acting as counsel to carriers in connection with company acquisitions, and acquisitions of books of business via renewal rights and similar transactions.
•	Preparing and securing regulatory approval of Form As, disclaimers of control and similar filings.
•	Preparing holding company filings on behalf of several insurers, including annual Forms B & C, Enterprise Risk Reports and Corporate Governance Annual Disclosures.
•	Obtaining Form D approval with respect to various proposed Holding Company Act transactions between affiliates.
•	Handling mutual-to-stock conversions, re-domestications and mergers of insurers.
•	Securing the admission and expansion of carriers via the Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (Primary, Expansion and Corporate Amendment).
•	Setting up and obtaining the licensure of risk purchasing group across several jurisdictions.
•	Routinely representing licensees in connection with financial and market conduct examinations and enforcement matters.
•	Assisting clients in connection with the filing and advancement of claims in insurance company rehabilitation and liquidation proceedings.


•	Pennsylvania State University, Dickinson School of Law, J.D., Appellate Moot Court Board & Comments Editor, Law Review
•	Pennsylvania State University, B.A., English


•	Pennsylvania
•	U.S. District Courts for the Middle and Eastern Districts of Pennsylvania
•	U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee (pro hac vice)
•	U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Published Articles

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Published Alerts

TitlePublish Date
State of Pennsylvania COVID-19 Updates5/14/2020
The Pennsylvania Insurance Department Issued Guidance Notice 2024-045/29/2024

Positions in FORC

Board of DirectorsAt Large70