COVID-19 Texas Department of Insurance Resource Page  

4/8/2020 Commissioner's Bulletin No. B-0018-20 - Postponing the newly required filing in Texas of the Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure (CGAD).
The required disclosure is based on the NAIC Model Bill and is now Chapter 831 of the Insurance Code. The first reports would have been due on June 1, 2020, but TDI will not require a filing this year. The Department is developing rules for the implementation of the disclosure, and we will be monitoring the rule making process. This waiver only applies to companies subject to the Texas law so companies domiciled in other states or part of group whose lead state regulator is not Texas may be required to make the disclosure.

4/1/2020 Requires health insurers to extend established prior authorization approvals for 90 days to drugs prescribed under the authority of a licensed health professional (excluding controlled substances), to pay for an additional (Health Insurers Texas Emergency Rule 28 TAC 35.2) one-time 90 day supply of any drug that is covered or required to be covered as prescribed under the authority of a licensed health care provider regardless of date on which the prescription has most recently been refilled and when no in-network pharmacy is available to timely dispense such drug, an enrollee is liable for the in-network cost share. Health plans further must make alternative drugs available on formulary or in the same preferred tier when a on-formulary or preferred drug is unavailable due to shortage or lack of distribution. No preauthorization may be required for alternative drug when same active ingredients and yields the same therapeutic effect. The health plan may direct an enrollee to another pharmacy or a particular mail-order pharmacy for such alternative drug but may not require the enrollee to travel more than 30 miles one way or visit multiple pharmacies. Waives any requirement for consumer signature unless required by other law.

4/1/2020 Health Insurers Offering EPOs and HMOs Texas Bulletin No. B-0017-20 - TDI expects EPOs and HMOs to comply with Federal law requirements and that coverage for COVID-19 testing should be provided with no cost-share, regardless of network status of provider or lab and regardless of whether the testing is done on an emergency basis.

3/31/2020 Alternative Health Insurers Texas Bulletin No. B-0016-20 - Encourages issuers of alternative health plans to waive cost shares for COVID-19 testing and cover the full cost of the test, waive consumer cost share and facilitate use of telemedicine, cover necessary medical equipment and supplies, waive penalties and restrictions for necessary out-of-network services, allow extra time for providers to file claims, authorize pharmacies for up to a 90 day supply of prescription medication for individuals and waive cost share for qualifying preventatives services under the CARES Act. Issuers of alternative health plans should further develop consumer materials to explain coverage for COVID-19 and report their actions to TDI.

3/30/2020 Expedites approvals for property and casualty filings that provide additional coverage or relief to policyholders during COVID-19 outbreak. Property and Casualty Insurers Texas Notice.

3/27/2020 Texas Bulletin No. B-0015-20 - Instructs providers that cannot meet claims submission deadlines to notify TDI.

3/27/2020 Life Health URA/IRO Texas Bulletin No. B-0014-20 - Posting of modified filing chart for managed care quality assurance filings. Instructions entities to submit all filings electronically with electronic signatures and without sworn statements, affidavits, or notarization.

3/25/2020 Title Agents Escrow Officers Texas Bulletin No. B-0013-20 - Permits escrow checks to be signed electronically if standards and requirements of UETA are met. Checks signed electronically must have two signatures and one of the signatures must be from an escrow officers. Texas Bulletin B-0011- 20 which allows for a single signature does not apply to electronic signatures except for offices with four or fewer employees.

3/25/2020 Title Escrow Officers Texas Bulletin No. B-0011-20 - All Insurer - Posting of updated financial filing chart. Allows filings to be submitted without payment, sworn statements, affidavits, notarization or fingerprints. All Insurers Texas Bulletin No. B-009-20 TX 3-25-2020 Extends deadline for escrow audit reports for 45 days. Allows single signature, as opposed to two for escrow checks.

3/24/2020 All Insurers/Agents/Adjusters Texas Bulletin No. B-0008-20 - Waives certain licensing requirements for agents and adjusters. Department will issue temporary agent licenses without required testing or additional fees. All training can be completed online and fingerprints can be submitted later. Extends licenses set to expire in March and April for two months and waives fees.

3/23/2020 All Insurers Texas Bulletin No. B-0007-20 - Declares COVID-19 pandemic a disaster under Tex. Ins. Code § 542.059(b). Extends the state’s prompt payment laws and claims handling deadlines for 15 days. Urges carriers to work with policyholders who may experience financial hardship due to COVID-19 to use grace periods for payments, temporary suspension of premium payments, payment plans, and other actions to allow continuing insurance coverage as appropriate. The Department will work with carriers to minimize the regulatory effects of an insurer’s actions to provide policyholder relief, specifically for financial review requirements. The term “suspension” is not intended to mean the forgiveness of the premium.

3/19/2020 All Insurers - Update from Department on efforts related to COVID-19. Coordinating with several state agencies on minimizing potential regulatory burdens including easing agent and adjuster licensing requirements and claim related deadlines. Website also provides list of office emails for help with pending filings and questions. All Insurers Texas Update on COVID-19 and Department Efforts.

3/17/2020 Health - Waives certain regulations relating to telemedicine care. Emergency rule relating to telemedicine care for patients with state-regulated insurance plans to help doctors across Texas continue to treat their patients while mitigating the spread of COVIDHealth Texas Waiver Announcement Texas COVID-19 Emergency Rule Texas Telemedicine Emergency Rule FAQ 19. The rule further expands coverage for medical services or consultations by phone. Texas Medical Board guidance further allows physicians and other health-care professionals to use phone consolations to establish a physician patient relationship. Texas Medical Board Press Release.

3/11/2020 Health Texas Bulletin No. B-005-20 - Asks health insurers operating in Texas to waive costs associated with COVID-19 testing and telemedicine visits, waive penalties or restrictions on claim denials for necessary out-of network services, waive requirements for preauth and medical necessity reviews and allow extra time for health providers to file claims.